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  1. Traffic Tickets/Boot Report
  2. Electronic Traffic Ticket Receipts
  3. Employee Parking Permit Application and Salary Reduction Authorization
  4. Student Parking Permit Application
  5. Parking Permit Cancellations
  6. Unused and Returned (Used) Parking Tags/Permits or Decals
  7. Appeal of Traffic Tickets/Safety Files
  8. Computer/Batch or Query Reports
  9. Tow Sheets/Reports
  10. Temporary Permit Parking Applications
  11. Emergency Vehicle Service Report



1. Traffic Tickets/Boot Report

These files contain copies of traffic and parking violation tickets issued at the University. Tickets issued may be either manual (paper) or electronic tickets.  Information from the tickets is inputted into the University Accounting system.  Reports include, but not limited to, documentation on illegally parked vehicles, driver's name, student ID, driver's license and license plate number.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for a period of reference value not to exceed two (2) years, then destroy.


2. Electronic Traffic Ticket Receipts

From the electronic ticketing system, a paper receipt is produced that is used by Parking and Transportation to verify that the ticketing information uploaded into the University Accounting system is correct and payment was received.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed two (2) years after data is proofed and MRR is reconciled, then destroy.


3. Employee Parking Permit Application and Salary Reduction Authorization

These forms consist of applications submitted periodically by employees for assignment of parking space or additional stickers and authorization to deduct parking fees from employee paychecks. They remain in effect until terminated by the employee or superseded by Parking and Transportation Services.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value not to exceed two (2) years after termination or expiration, then destroy.


4. Student Parking Permit Application

These forms are applications completed by students requesting assignment of parking space.

Authorized Retention:

A. Permit Not Issued - Retain for 90 days and destroy.

B. Permit Issued - Retain for reference value not to exceed two (2) years after termination or expiration, then destroy.


5. Parking Permit Cancellations

These forms serve (1) to notify Parking and Transportation Services that a parking space is no longer needed by an employee and the permit is to be cancelled, and (2) to notify Payroll to discontinue payroll deductions for parking fees.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for two (2) years after current fiscal year, then destroy.


6. Unused and Returned (Used) Parking Tags/Permits or Decals

These are parking tags, permits or decals that were printed but not issued, or issued and returned.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for period of reference value not to exceed one (1) year, then destroy.


7. Appeal of Traffic Tickets/Safety Files

These records document (include paper, electronic and e-mail) appeals made by students and employees to the Traffic Appeals Board for cancellation of traffic tickets. They serve to notify Parking and Transportation Services of the decision of the Board.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for two (2) years after current fiscal year, then destroy.


8. Computer/Batch or Query Reports

These are periodic and ad hoc batch, query or reports from the Accounting system databases detailing interaction between Parking and Transportation Services and the student accounting or payroll systems. 

Authorized Retention:

Retain for a period of reference value not to exceed two (2) years, then destroy.


9. Tow Sheets/Reports

These are forms filled out by officer requesting an illegally parked car to be towed. The form details time and place, tow truck called, and any damages to the car before towing. The officer and the tow truck driver both sign the form.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for reference value only, not to exceed three (3) years, then destroy.

NOTE:  Aligns with 77-124 (All Campuses Police Department).


10. Temporary Permit Parking Applications

These are temporary parking assignments by location, completed by students, employees or visitors requesting parking spaces.  Information from these forms is inputted into the University Accounting system.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for one (1) year after current fiscal year, then destroy.


11. Emergency Vehicle Service Report

These are forms used by Parking and Transportation for tracking information of motorist who requested an emergency motor vehicle service.  This form has descriptive information such as: driver’s name, address, decal number and type of services.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for a period of two (2) years, then destroy.


Supersedes Records Retention Authorization 37-413






Reviewed 2019-08-05